Launch of “CCB Signatures to Support Beijing 2008 Olympics” in Huangshan

Published time:2008-06-04

On 30 May, the event of “Signatures to Support Beijing 2008 Olympics” organized by the China Construction Bank (“CCB” or the “Bank”) Committee was kicked off in Huangshan, Anhui.  The ceremony signified the start of the relay of this special “millions of signatures” banner in 10 cities.

At 2pm, the torch arrived at the last stop of AnhuiHuangshan City. Ji Zhaohui being the No 66 torchbearer and Tian Changyue being the No 76 torchbearer, were both from CCB. 


At 6pm, the two torchbearers came back with pride and joined the “Signatures to Support Beijing 2008 Olympics” Opening Ceremony with the staff at the CCB Huangshan branch.  Both of them touched upon the audiences’ hearts by sharing their feelings on the relay, and they were the first two to sign their names on the banner.  All the staff members were passionate about this meaningful event and they all signed their support with blessings such as “I love Olympics!”, “Hold on Sichuan” and “Bless our Country”.  All of them are the good wishes from the staff on the Country and  their enthusiasm in participating in the Beijing Olympics, together with their support to the earthquake combat efforts.  The signature event has infected so many people in Huangshan City and many of them grasped the chance to take photos with the torchbearers.  Through participating in the event, the spirit of self-pride among the staff is uplifted and it fosters the bond between themselves, which effectively enhances the image of CCB.


 It is worth mentioning that the banner is measured at 5.4 meters long and 3 meters high (signifying CCB’s 54th year and having 300,000 employees).  The banner will be transported in 10 cities where torchbearers representing CCB have passed by.  The memo will be kept together with some of the Olympic torches to commemorate such meaningful event.  In the meantime, the CCB committee has placed a column inviting all staff members to convey blessings for the Olympic Games, the earthquake victims, our country and also CCB.   

Opening Ceremony of “Signatures to Support Beijing 2008 Olympics”

CCB staff taking photos with Torchbearer

On-site scene of “Signatures to Support Beijing 2008 Olympics” in Huangshan


Torchbearer Ji Zhaohui from CCB is ready for the relay

 Torchbearer Tian Changyue from CCB during the Torch Relay

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