A Letter to Clients in Areas Badly Hit by Sichuan Earthquake From CCB

Published time:2008-06-13

Dear Clients:


The Sichuan earthquake of magnitude 8 has ruined millions of homes and has claimed thousands of lives. The world has joined our 330,000-strong staff in lamenting this nationwide catastrophe. Our bank is most sincere to express our deepest sympathy for you and your family.  


CCB has invariably upheld its tradition of giving our clients the first priority in our services to you. To show that your imminent needs are uppermost in our mind, we now offer you 7 specific personal banking services as follows:


1.      Emergency Cash Withdrawal Services – In case of loss of passbooks, memoranda of deposit or bankcards, you can still process cash withdrawal with your identity cards (your identity certification as issued by the Public Security Department) and withdrawal password. If your account has not set the password but other information concerning your account such as your bank account No., correspondence address, the latest date and time of your last withdrawal, balance of your account, is proved to be accurate, you can process cash withdrawal without credentials of an accumulated value of RMB5,000 yuan or below or of an accumulated value of RMB2,000 yuan or below if you are unable to present your identity card (your identity certification as issued by the Public Security Department) but other information concerning your bank account is proved to be correct.  

2.      Free Settlement Services – Cash withdrawal or deposit, settlement of payment and report of losses will all be handled free of charge. Handling fees of transfer concerning inheritance of property will all be exempted as well as handling fees of early redemption of treasury bills or bonds from saving schemes before maturity will also be exempted on the whole.

3.      Services of Accommodation Acceptance and Report of Losses – You can process with nationwide deposit and accommodation acceptance of cash with your cards or with passbooks or memoranda of deposit bearing the logos for accommodation acceptance. In case you fail to produce personal identity certification but are able to produce correct information of your bank accounts on validation of your password, you can activate emergency payment suspension to lock your risks sustained.

4.      Services of Foreign Exchange Settlement – You can still process with inter-provincial foreign exchange settlement with your personal identity card (your identity certification as issued by the Public Security Department) and cash withdrawal password if you fail to produce your bank card or passbook. You can process with exchange settlement of an accumulated value of US$300 or below if you fail to produce your personal identity card (your identity certification as issued by the Public Security Department) but are able to present correct information on your bank account.

5.      Personal Loan Services – You are eligible for a grace period of 6 months in repayment if you fail to repay on time because of the earthquake. During the grace period, you are not liable to pay both the principal and the interest or any penalty interest, neither will you be recorded for your default. You can enjoy a concessionary floating interest rate of 15% or below on the basis of benchmark interest rate for any personal housing loan that you apply for reconstruction after the quake. You are eligible for other personal loans of concessionary floating interest rate of 10% or below. You are welcome to consult our bank on relevant policies, application for extension of repayment date and adjustment to repayment schedule should you find it difficult to repay on time due to the catastrophe.

6.      Credit Card Services – In case you are unable to pay up the overdraft incurred to your credit cards on time because of the quake, you are welcome to contact us through our customer hotline at 800 and apply for extension of your repayment date and request to be exempted from any possible interest and overdue fines. If you have incurred losses or damage to your credit cards, you can report your losses and be eligible for reissue of cards with reduced fees or free of charge. In case of emergency requests, you are eligible to apply for credit card emergency cash assistance within the PRC on production of valid certified information and enjoy our emergency services at reduced rates or free of charge.

7.      Special Enquiry Services – In case you have lost your passbook, memoranda of deposit or bankcard, you can enquire about your personal financial assets by producing your personal identity card (your identity certification as issued by the Public Security Department). Your can enquire about the personal financial assets of your kin or relatives on production of your personal identity card (your identity certification as issued by the Public Security Department), certification of the death or loss of your kin and relative or personal identity card No. of your kin or relative in case of death or loss of your kin and relatives. You can enquire about the personal financial assets of the person who have lost his or her memory under your guardianship on production of certification of the guardian or certification of the loss of memory or loss of working capacity on the part of the person under your guardianship due to the earthquake should the person under your guardianship has lost his or her working capacity. You can enquire about the personal financial assets of the orphan(s) who is orphaned due to the earthquake on production of the death certification of his or her parent(s) due to the earthquake together with the personal identity No. of the orphan concerned.


Let us join our efforts and work for the reconstruction of our home in unison. 


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