China Construction Bank Acquires Controlling Equity Interest in Hefei Xingtai Trust Co.

Published time:2008-05-21

 20 May 2008 -- China Construction Bank (“CCB” or the “Bank”) held a contract-signing ceremony in Hefei for its investment in the acquisition of a controlling equity interest in Hefei Xingtai Trust Co. (“Xingtai Trust”). Following the establishment of fund management and financial leasing ventures, the initiative marked another milestone in CCB’s development into a bank of integrated operations. CCB Chairman Guo Shuqing attended the signing ceremony, while Chen Zuofu, Vice President of CCB, delivered a speech in the occasion.


Registered in Hefei of Anhui province, Xingtai Trust is with Hefei Xingtai Holding Group Co. and Hefei State-owned Assets Holding Co. as original shareholders. The investment of CCB in Xingtai Trust is still pending for official approval from relevant regulators. Upon completion and approval, CCB will become a shareholder possessing 67% equity interest in the trust company.


The investment in Xingtai Trust is a strategic initiative of CCB, which will employ CCB’s nationwide service network and affluent customer resources, combined with the unique trust mechanisms as well as flexible financial approaches, so as to effectively promote innovations of products and operational systems, better fulfill the diversified needs of clients and enhance the Bank’s profitability.

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