CCB to Join Heng Seng China Enterprises Index

Published time:2006-02-14

February 10, 2006---the HSI Services announced that China Construction Bank Corporation (CCB, stock code:939) will become a constituent of Heng Seng China Enterprises Index (H-shares Index). And it will be effective on March 3 2006 (Monday).

CCB speaker said, “ CCB becomes one of Heng Seng constituent stocks. This fully indicates the confidence of the capital market over CCB’s changes as well as the industry’s prospect. It is a great honor for us. And on this occasion, we want to express our many thanks to our investors for their long-term support. In the coming years ahead, CCB will continue to improve its management, speed up business and product innovation, increase market competitiveness and profitability, and try its best to give investors more return.”


After CCB joins the Heng Seng Family of Indexes, the total number of its constituents will reach 37.  And the calculation methodology of H-shares Index will be changed to freefloat-adjusted market capitalization-weighted with a cap of 15% on individual stock weightings. If the Heng Seng Index of changes were effective on February 8 2006, CCB’s capitalization-weighting among constituents of H-shares Index would reached its cap of 15%, one of the largest shares.


Meanwhile, the HSI also announced that they will add CCB into Heng Seng 50 and become effective on March 6 2006.


The HSI Services is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Heng Seng Bank. In addition to Heng Seng China Enterprises Index among its family of indexes, it also organizes and manages Heng Seng Index, Heng Seng China-Affiliated Corporations Index, etc.

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